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Displaying 71 - 80 of 513
Map Images Title Description Theme Program Series Quad Publication Date Authors Scale Category
Karbers Ridge Bedrock Map Karbers Ridge Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Karbers Ridge Quadrangle, Hardin, Gallatin, and Saline Counties, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets and one 7-page report; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and cross section; report contains descriptive text, figure, and 2 tables

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Series (IGQ) Karbers Ridge 2010 F. Brett Denny, B. King, J. Mulvaney-Norris, D. H. Malone Quadrangle
Kaskaskia Bedrock Map Kaskaskia Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Kaskaskia Quadrangle, Randolph County, Illinois and Ste. Genevieve and Perry Counties, Missouri

Two 30" x 35" map sheets; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive text, descriptive stratigraphic column, and cross section.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Series (IGQ) Kaskaskia 2013 Mary J. Seid Quadrangle
Kellerville Bedrock map Kellerville Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Kellerville Quadrangle, Adams and Brown Counties, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets and separate 3 page report; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and 6 photos; report includes descriptive text

Bedrock Geology Illinois Preliminary Geologic Map Series (IPGM) Kellerville 2008 Russell J. Jacobson , Zakaria Lasemi Quadrangle
Bedrock Geology of Lee County Bedrock Geology of Lee County, Illinois

1:62,500 Lee County area map; 55" x 30" single map sheet; includes map, legend, descriptive text, stratigraphic column and inset map

Bedrock Geology Open File Series (OFS) 1999 Christopher S. McGarry County
Marion Bedrock Map Marion Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Marion Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets; sheet 1 includes map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and descriptive text

Bedrock Geology Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Series (IGQ) Marion 2007 W. John Nelson Quadrangle
No Image Available Bedrock Geology of Millstadt Quadrangle, St. Clair County, Illinois

No map image available. Please contact authors for more information.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Millstadt 1999 Joseph A. Devera Quadrangle
Mt Morris Bedrock Map Mt Morris Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Mount Morris Quadrangle, Ogle County, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column, cross section, descriptive text, and 3 figures.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Mount Morris 2011 Mary J. Seid Quadrangle
Mt Pleasant Bedrock Map Mt Pleasant Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Mt. Pleasant Quadrangle, Union and Johnson Counties, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets; sheet 1 includes map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive text and descriptive stratigraphic column

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Series (IGQ) Mount Pleasant 2007 W. John Nelson, Joseph A. Devera Quadrangle
Murphysboro Bedrock Map Murphysboro Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Murphysboro Quadrangle, Jackson County, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets and 6-page report; sheet 1 includes map and legend; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and log diagram with cross section; report includes descriptive text with 3 figures

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Illinois Preliminary Geologic Map Series (IPGM) Murphysboro 2007 Russell J. Jacobson , F. Brett Denny, Gary W. Griffith Quadrangle
Bedrock geology of New Haven SW Quadrangle, map thumbnail, sheet 1 Bedrock geology of New Haven SW Quadrangle, map thumbnail, sheet 2 Bedrock Geology of New Haven SW Quadrangle, Gallatin County, Illinois

Two 35" x 30" map sheets; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column, unit descriptions, and 1 generalized cross section. A 7-page report includes discussion, 1 table and 4 figures.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP New Haven SW 2019 Nelson, W.J. Quadrangle