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Displaying 61 - 70 of 513
Map Images Title Description Theme Program Series Quad Publication Date Authors Scale Category
Granite City Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Granite City Quadrangle, Madison and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, and St. Louis, County, Missouri

34" x 36" single map sheet, contains map, legend, descriptive stratigraphic column, descriptive text, and 1 figure

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Granite City 2003 F. Brett Denny Quadrangle
Bedrock geology of Green Rock Quadrangle Map Image 1 Bedrock geology of Green Rock Quadrangle Map Image 2 Bedrock Geology of Green Rock Quadrangle, Rock Island and Henry Counties, Illinois

Two 35" x 30" map sheets; sheet 1 contains map, legends, and 2 map figures; sheet 2 includes stratigraphic column with descriptions, report with 2 figures, and 2 cross sections.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Green Rock 2022 Joseph M. Krienert Quadrangle
Bedrock Geology of Hamburg Quadrangle, Calhoun County, Illinois, and Lincoln and Pike Counties, Missouri

Two 35" x 30 " map sheets; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column, cross section, descriptive text, and 5 figures.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Hamburg 2016 Mary J. Seid, Jeremy R. Breeden, Stuart M. Kenderes Quadrangle
Bedrock Geology of Harco Quadrangle Bedrock Geology of Harco Quadrangle Bedrock Geology of Harco Quadrangle, Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets and one 5-page report; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and cross section; report contains descriptive text.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Harco 2015 John W. Nelson, F. Brett Denny Quadrangle
Bedrock Geology of Hardin Quadrangle Bedrock Geology of Hardin Quadrangle Bedrock Geology of Hardin Quadrangle, Calhoun, Greene, and Jersey Counties, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets and one 7-page report; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and cross section; report contains descriptive text, and 7 figures.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Hardin 2015 Mary J. Seid, Joseph A. Devera Quadrangle
Harrisburg Bedrock map 1 Harrisburg Bedrock map 2 Bedrock Geology of Harrisburg Quadrangle, Saline County, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets and one 11 p. report; sheet 1 includes map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and log figure; report includes descriptive text and 6 figure

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Illinois Preliminary Geologic Map Series (IPGM) Harrisburg 2007 F. Brett Denny, Russel J. Jacobson, W. John Nelson Quadrangle
Herod Bedrock Map Herod Bedrock Map Bedrock Geology of Herod Quadrangle, Pope, Saline, and Hardin Counties, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets and one 4 page report; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and cross section

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP Herod 2008 F. Brett Denny, W. John Nelson, Joseph A. Devera Quadrangle
Herrin Bedrock map Herrin Bedrock map Bedrock Geology of Herrin Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets; sheet 1 includes map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column, descriptive text, and cross section

Bedrock Geology Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Series (IGQ) Herrin 2007 W. John Nelson Quadrangle
Surficial Geology of Johnson County Sheet 1 Surficial Geology of Johnson County Sheet 2 Bedrock Geology of Johnson County, Illinois

Two 40" x 40" map sheets; sheet 1 contains map, legends, and 2 figures; sheet 2 includes 1 geologic column, legend, and 2 cross sections. Accompanying 38-page report includes discussion, references, 14 figures, 3 tables, and appendix.

Bedrock Geology STATEMAP 2021 W. John Nelson, Joseph A. Devera, Charles F. Hoffman County
Johnston City Bedrock Map Sheet 1 Johnston CIty Bedrock map Sheet 2 Bedrock Geology of Johnston City Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois

Two 36" x 30" map sheets; sheet 1 includes map and legends; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column, descriptive text, and 2 cross sections

Bedrock Geology Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Series (IGQ) Johnston City 2007 W. John Nelson Quadrangle